Apex APEX370 Dynamic Headset Vocal Microphone
DETAILSCAD D90 Supercardiod Dynamic Handheld Vocal Microphone - D90
DETAILSCAD Four Channel Non-powered Mixer w/ Effects & USB - MXU4FX
DETAILSCAD Two Channel Non-powered Mixer w/ Phantom Power - MXU2
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DETAILSShure PGA48QTR Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone w/Switch and 15' 1/4 Cable
DETAILSShure PGA48XLR Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone w/Switch and Cable
DETAILSShure PGA58XLR Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone
DETAILSShure SM48LC Handheld cardioid Vocal Microphone