

Arturia 6-voice Polyphonic Hybrid Synthesizer w/37 Slim Keys - MINIFREAK

Arturia 6-voice Polyphonic Hybrid Synthesizer w/37 Slim Keys - MINIFREAK
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Two engines,many voices

A dynamic selection of sounds that contrast, collide, and conspire to create.

Classic sinewave to fearsome supersaw bass, pizzicato-plucked strings to dense stacked chords. MiniFreak’s engines pack a punch - or 22, to be precise. From our own algorithms to unique modes designed by modular synth wizards, here’s what you’ve got to play with:


Morph between particle noise, white noise, and a metallic noise that’s reminiscent of a synth cymbal. Great for gritty industrial-sounding percussion.


Saw, square, sine, or triangle waves, detuned with precision, oozing with fatness and texture that’s perfect for trance leads and dreamy pads.


Control the levels of 32 sinewaves for additive synthesis made easy, creating harmonically rich timbres that can be quickly shaped.

Karplus Str.

A mode using physical modeling to recreate the vibrations and resonance of a string, from soft plucks to steel-string buzz.


A mode emulating two basic waveforms: square, containing only odd harmonics, and sawtooth, containing both odd and even. Two distinct, essential timbres.

Audio In

Inject any audio signal into MiniFreak to process with Engine 2, the analog filters, and the FX engines.

Multi Filter

No less than 14 modeled filters packed into an easy-to-use Engine mode, from a 36dB LP filter to 3 notch filter modes.

Surgeon Filter

Slice and scoop out entire frequencies with decisive precision, with LP, BP, HP, and notch modes and a flexible Spread control.

Comb Filter

Mimic real acoustic behavior using tuned feedback delay for quirky, metallic, sci-fi-esque resonance. Great for creating SFX or unique almost-acoustic sounds.

Phaser Filter

From 2 to 12 poles, dial in static phase effects on certain frequencies for creating great formant textures and unexpected harmonics.


Fold, decimate, and crush the bit content of your sound. From razor-sharp to pixelated, static fuzz to plucky video game chirp, choose your degree of destruction.


Combining frequency and ring modulation, create unique sonic interplay between both engines, altering waveforms, phase, and a blend of dry and ring-modulated signal.

Mutable Instruments

Like its smaller sibling, MiniFreak contains a number of open-source oscillator modes from Eurorack legends Mutable Instruments, enhanced with polyphony and ’Freak flexibility.